Turning Teen Sexual Health Educational Programs

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Turning Teen Sexual Health Educational Programs


13 Thoughts on 13 Reasons Why

Are you watching "13 Reasons Why" on Netflix?  I just finished watching the drama and found it to be an emotionally raw and likely realistic depiction of teenage life today.   So here are Dr. Carrie’s.. 13 Thoughts on 13 reasons why (without significant spoilers): 1. Should I watch this? I think so.  This series was well [...]

Bonding with Your Tween over Spring Break

  Planning a staycation? Here are some great ways to bond with your tween over spring break.   While family vacations can be a great source of bonding time, time together at home can also create memories that will last a lifetime. Looking for some new ideas to pass the time during Spring Break? Here are [...]

The Big Break Up

There’s a lot of changes that happen during those tween years - which involve a lot of challenges for parents. I think one of the most painful parts of parenting is “The Break Up.” And I’m not referring to the break up with their first crush, or with their bestie, but their break up with [...]

Part of the Normal Life Cycle

I am normally blogging about puberty and all of its perils and pitfalls, but recently, another life event has taken place.  Unfortunately, there was a death in the family: my husband’s 98 year old grandmother passed away last night.  It was not sudden, but rather expected.  We told our daughters, 9, 8 and 4 about [...]

The School Puberty Letter ?

So the dreaded letter from school arrives in the mail.  It is a warning you that your child will soon be learning about puberty in school.   What will the letter say?  ? The girls and boys will be separated to learn about puberty. As a parent, you have the ability to preview the puberty video if [...]

Talking to Kids about Sex: Earlier is Better

Creating Turning Teen has been an eye opening experience in so many ways. One of the most interesting things to see is how people have such vastly differing views about what is “right” in terms of introducing tough topics like puberty and especially SEX. Even many of the most open mother's fear the dreaded “sex [...]

“So mom, you have only had sex twice, right?”

  Actual (verbatim) conversation between me (Dr. Lisa) and my 10 year old. So mom, you have only had sex twice, right? Why do you want to know that? Well, you only have two kids.  So that means you have only had sex twice, right? I can see why you would think that.  But no. [...]

Honest Answer from a 10 year old (video)

Rachel admits she was a bit embarrassed to come to a Turning Teen workshop....but watch this short clip to see how she felt afterwards about the program :)  

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