So the dreaded letter from school arrives in the mail. It is a warning you that your child will soon be learning about puberty in school. What will the letter say? ? The girls and boys will be separated to learn [...]
Actual (verbatim) conversation between me (Dr. Lisa) and my 10 year old. So mom, you have only had sex twice, right? Why do you want to know that? Well, you only have two kids. So that means you have [...]
Rachel admits she was a bit embarrassed to come to a Turning Teen workshop....but watch this short clip to see how she felt afterwards about the program :)
Hailey, Age 9 , tells her mom why she likes Turning Teen :)
Metro Parent Magazine Features Turning Teen Helping Moms and Daughters Talk about Puberty :) Looking forward to having new girls at our workshops thanks to the help of Metro Parent spreading the word!
Thank you to WDIV Channel 4 Detroit and Paula Tutman for featuring Turning Teen! We had a blast! And love spreading the word that we are here to help moms help their daughters!!!! What a fabulous group [...]
Turning Teen has officially been in business just over one month, and the response has been overwhelming. Dr. Lisa and I set out on this journey nine months ago, and have truly enjoyed sharing our “passion for puberty”. We discussed, [...]
Claiming to have walked uphill in a snowstorm to school just doesn’t cut it anymore for parents trying to explain to their kids just how fortunate they are. Seriously! We didn’t have the internet when we were kids! No [...]